High-Potential / Emerging Leader Executive Coaching

The Accelerated Coaching Process™ features 10 to 20 hours working directly with Curtis Smith over a 3 to 6 month period. The ACP was created to respond to high-potential leaders and emerging leaders who wanted to be coached by him but who couldn’t commit to his 9-or 12-month program. ACP is faster, cost-sensitive, but highly effective. Similar to the CEO Coaching Program, leaders and future leaders are assessed using his proprietary “inner-core” assessments complemented by stakeholder interviews to gain insight into their “outer-core” effectiveness. Curtis Smith will debrief their custom assessment results over two insightful sessions and the remaining online coaching sessions feature Curtis Smith partnering with the leader “hip to hip” to help them build and implement their custom leadership and personal development plan focused on leveraging their gifts and strengths and addressing their development needs. All online coaching sessions are conducted via technology (phone, skype, video conference).  Investment Options: 3 and 6 months.


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